New York City in One Day via Timelapse Photography

Timelapse photography, in case you’re not familiar, is a time-consuming process which requires a true passion for the art, besides deep and thoughtful concentration. In short, the process consists of taking a series of photographs (often long exposures as used in this project), which will be later joined together and played back as a video, resulting in a fast sequence of the action.

Here is a great example of the true and powerful capabilities of timelapse photography, this time depicting one of the most wonderful, imaginative and mesmerizing cities of the world, New York City:

The video is part of a short film that is currently in production by photographer and film director Samuel Orr.

Orr, the creator of this ambitious project, shot this entire video during four trips to NYC between 2011 and 2012. The sequences were made from hundreds of thousands of still images, mostly captured with Canon cameras: the 7D and the Rebel T3i (or 600D):


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One response to “New York City in One Day via Timelapse Photography”

  1. Rod Arroyo says:

    Time-lapse is really becoming popular. Thanks

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