Articles by Sunny Shrestha - Page 16 of 139 - PictureCorrect1381 articles

Square vs Circular Filters for Landscape Photography

Square vs Circular Filters for Landscape Photography

Filters can do wonders for your landscape photography when used correctly. That said, it does not mean simply using any sort of filter will cut it. There are different types of filters with different functions, and using them without properly understanding their impact will only hurt your photography. Take for instance a screw-type filter versus […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Afternoon Rays of Light

Interesting Photo of the Day: Afternoon Rays of Light

Many photographers believe that capturing landscapes only works when the sun is hanging low on the horizon. Well, sure, shooting during the golden hour is great—it makes the landscapes appear magical and makes your work a whole lot easier. But don’t let this keep you from shooting during the afternoon, when the sun is high. […]

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Add Drama to Photos with Negative Fill

Add Drama to Photos with Negative Fill

Getting a correct exposure doesn’t guarantee a good image. A good image has some drama going on in it. Photographer David Bergman from Adorama demonstrates how using negative fill can help you add drama to your images: When starting out with flash photography, the first thing you learn is to place the flash at an […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Moonlit Waterfall

Interesting Photo of the Day: Moonlit Waterfall

Technology in photography has come a long way. The developments have allowed photographers to capture images that were once nearly impossible to take. Whether it be the focusing system, the speed, or even sensitivity, cameras have matured very well. It’s now up to photographers to decide how to use such capable systems to capture their […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Urban Light and Shadow

Interesting Photo of the Day: Urban Light and Shadow

Light and shadows: these are two of the most important elements of a photograph that beginner photographers can easily ignore. Being focused on the subject and story is important, of course, but by paying more attention to the interplay between light and shadows, you will be surprised to see how much they can elevate your […]

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Portrait Photography: 5 Beginner Mistakes to Avoid

Portrait Photography: 5 Beginner Mistakes to Avoid

Starting something new is always the hardest part. Chances are you’ll feel lost most of the time. The worst part is when you keep repeating the same mistakes and you have no one to correct you. In photography, this can severely impact your attitude and budding career before it even takes off. If you’re someone […]

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Camera Lens Focus Tutorial

Camera Lens Focus Tutorial

Focus is critical in any kind of photo. You may be able to recover some details in post if you miscalculate your exposure. Or crop the image to adjust your composition. But if it’s out of focus, there’s no cure. So it’s crucial for every photographer to understand how focus works. Photographer Micael Widell explains […]

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What Judges Look for in Wildlife Photography Competitions

What Judges Look for in Wildlife Photography Competitions

Isn’t it frustrating when you participate in wildlife photography competitions but never find your name on the winners’ list? You must wonder about the parameters on which judges evaluate the submissions. In today’s insightful video, award-winning photographer and photography judge Janine Krayer shares five great wildlife photography contest tips and outlines the common mistakes that […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Tunnel Dog

Interesting Photo of the Day: Tunnel Dog

German Shepherds are fantastic friends. Besides being strong, they are also very intelligent, trainable, obedient and full of energy. If you’ve ever spent time with one, you know how they can drain you out while staying quite active. Pet photographer Daniel Towns has done an excellent job of capturing this boundless energy in this image. […]

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Interesting Photo of the Day: Sunset Skateboarder

Interesting Photo of the Day: Sunset Skateboarder

Sometimes it’s the simplest photographs that come out the best. Minimalist photographs let viewers easily understand what they’re supposed to look at, allowing them to connect with the artist’s vision. But taking a minimalist photo isn’t a simple task. It requires a mix of creativity and patience. Consider the following image by photographer Kyle Meshna: […]

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