Beginner Photography125 articles

Beginner Tips for Shooting Action Photography

Beginner Tips for Shooting Action Photography

Digital camera owners who are not that experienced in taking photos often find it hard to capture the action scenes they so desire. With their subjects being mobile, they may not be aware of what to do with their camera to take the best action shots. Indeed, it can be quite a challenge to engage […]

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How to Take Better Pictures for Beginner Photographers

How to Take Better Pictures for Beginner Photographers

Photography can be a fun and exciting activity for all who have a passionate interest in learning camera fundamentals. I have done photography from the time I was perhaps five or six years old watching my father shoot then do his own black and white darkroom work. I’m a photographer and illustrator and have a […]

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Look Out for These Beginner Photography Mistakes

Look Out for These Beginner Photography Mistakes

When starting out in any field, the journey becomes a lot easier if someone warns you of the pitfalls you might fall into. This way you can concentrate more on doing the right things instead of wasting time making wrong decisions. With his years of experience as a photographer, Nigel Danson shares seven solutions to […]

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5 Things Every Beginner Photographer Should Know

5 Things Every Beginner Photographer Should Know

The journey toward becoming a skilled photographer doesn’t take place overnight. And, as if the mechanics alone weren’t difficult enough to grasp, being good at photography also involves developing a sense of creativity and learning all of the artistic elements that go into a picture. Sure, some people are adept at navigating the camera and […]

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5 Mistakes Beginner Photographers Make and How to Avoid Them

5 Mistakes Beginner Photographers Make and How to Avoid Them

Photography is one of the most creatively rewarding hobbies you can pick up, but when you’re first starting out it can be all too easy to become overwhelmed. Endless possibilities mean endless possible mistakes. However, in reading this, we hope you’ll know how to avoid the five most common mistakes that beginner photographers make when […]

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The 2 Things Beginner Photographers Should Learn First

The 2 Things Beginner Photographers Should Learn First

So you want some digital photography tips that work quickly and are easy? Well, it’s not that hard to start getting good at photography. It’s like playing an instrument. Anybody can get to a decent level, but those who are very dedicated and put their natural talent to use are the ones who become great. […]

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10 Helpful Tidbits for Every Beginner Photographer

10 Helpful Tidbits for Every Beginner Photographer

Considering just how commonplace cameras have become in everything from our phones to our computers, it can be difficult for many amateurs to understand that there’s much more to the art of photography than simply pressing down on the shutter. Many beginners are surprised to learn just how hard it can be to nail down […]

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Beginner’s Guide: Real Estate Photography

Beginner’s Guide: Real Estate Photography

Photography is a useful tool for different industries. It is a powerful tool for selling just about anything, be it food, clothing, or property. Having good images is the key in commerce. This attracts potential buyers and also makes products or services appealing. In real estate, photography is just as important. With the markets starting […]

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Understanding Aperture for Beginners

Understanding Aperture for Beginners

Aperture is just one setting that makes up your exposure, but once you understand it you can drastically change how your image looks. In this video by B & H, aperture is explained in the simplest way possible—from why the numbers are what they are and how it works to how different apertures affect your […]

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Practical Photography Tips for Beginners

Practical Photography Tips for Beginners

Is photography getting you down? Did you stretch your budget to buy the best camera you could, then realize you were in over your head? One look at that inch-thick manual, and many new photographers just switch their camera to ‘auto’ and that’s where it stays. Does this sound like you? Don’t worry, you are […]

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