Lighting Flowers on Fire for a Photography Experiment

Flower photography may be particularly common, but not if you add a flame to it! Fire, indeed, is what Chinese photographer Jiang Zhi used in his project titled Love Letters, a beautiful and dramatic set of photographs of flowers engulfed in flames.

Inspired by Zhi’s work, Kai experimented with the same process of setting fire to the flowers and shooting the results he obtained to discover how Zhi’s work was done:

The video is not exactly a tutorial on how to perform this kind of shooting, but there are some tips to retain from the tryout:

  1. Seize the light of the flame (and some extra artificial light as well) to enhance the picture.
  2. Using flash won’t be of much help, for it will impoverish the effect.
  3. Longer exposures will result in smoother and silky flames.
  4. Ask an assistant for help. Setting the flowers on fire and shooting the pictures at the same time might be dangerous.
  5. Be sure to set up a safe work area. Move all toxic and flammable objects away.

Flower Fire Flame Photography
Taking all precautions into action, soon enough you’ll get the most amazing shots of burning flowers.

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One response to “Lighting Flowers on Fire for a Photography Experiment”

  1. James lodge says:

    What is the best fuel to use? I’ve tried lighter fluid. It produces a yellow flame.

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