Try Printing One of Your Photos on Canvas for Free

free canvas print

Free 8x10 Canvas Print

A canvas print, also known as a stretched canvas or canvas art, is the result of an image printed onto canvas which is stretched, or gallery-wrapped, onto a frame and displayed. Canvas printing can provide better looking photos and greater quality prints. The nature of the canvas material means that high levels of photo reproduction offer exceptional realism from any photo.

Canvas People is offering a free 8×10 canvas print of any photo you choose as a way to try out their service. You can get the free 8×10 or get $55 off a larger print – your choice. Start a Canvas Print Here

All of their prints are gallery wrapped. This means that the canvas wraps around the side of the image and is secured to the back of a frame. The image wraps around the sides to make a lovely presentation.

They coat all canvas prints with a protective coating. This coating will help protect your canvas from moisture, humidity, abrasions, fingerprints, and more. Plus, it gives a really nice finish.

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3 responses to “Try Printing One of Your Photos on Canvas for Free”

  1. Braden Bills says:

    I didn’t know that there were people who could put a photo onto canvas for you! It would be so nice to have family pictures on canvases like that. I’ll have to see if I can find one that has any good offers.

  2. Graham F. says:

    Agree with Julia %100. The 3D canvas options are so much more enticing than simple traditional canvases. They work best in photos with something you want to be focused on. Canvases with the pop out square are great for when you get that perfect picture of the kids running in the field.

  3. Julia Carlson says:

    I’ve always wanted to get a photo printed on canvas. It would be nice to try one print for free to see how it goes. I have the perfect spot right above the couch in the living room for all our family photos. I think it would be great to get all the photos printed on canvas so they have a 3D effect coming off the wall.

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