Urban Explorers Risking Injury and Legal Trouble to Capture Shocking Photos

The digital age is bringing forth a different breed of explorers—ones with nimble feet, fearless hearts, and an indomitable urge to explore. But the fuel to explore comes from an urge to share the fruits of their explorations. Social media sites like Instagram are to be credited for that. In this video you will look at how a new breed of young people are constantly putting themselves at risk—treading to places that are both dangerous and illegal—to bring back breathtaking images:

When asked why they do what they do, their responses were every bit as different as you would expect from this fearless generation. But clearly one thing stands out: they’re all obsessed with the idea of exploring the urban environment around them and are not afraid to put themselves in the line of danger or law to do that.

Here are some images from their dare-devil urban exploration exploits:

urban exploration stills
different breed different perspectives
urban explorers make stunning captures
urban explorers make stunning captures
urban explorers explore their city

How much would you risk for a photo?

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2 responses to “Urban Explorers Risking Injury and Legal Trouble to Capture Shocking Photos”

  1. Dan Richards says:

    The thing is, when you go to sites that are made for UE people, they are not just kids, or young adults, but many ages. I at fifty, have climbed water-towers to get great shots, hiked through storm-drains, and entered many abandoned buildings, just to get shots from them. Broke into a Prison they were tearing down, with a friend, and fellow UE person, and we went through it from one side to the next, 7 hours in there, and knew the risks.
    And yes, their is the thrill factor, and the adrenaline factor, but their is also that desire to get shots of what was, before it is gone. And I do agree there are just about as many different answers to personal reasons, but you will find this point I made to be the center of it all.

  2. Pat says:

    One question I didn’t hear anyone ask, or answer: What would you be doing if you weren’t doing this? Certainly the younger one is, the less one has a strong concept of cause and effect, consequences and therefore one’s own mortality, which perhaps is one reason why younger people in general are more likely to engage in high risk activities. But I would also make a guess that many, if not most of these young people were looking at a bleak future where there was little hope of “making it” so there might be a feeling that one had little or nothing to lose anyway so why not take a chance? That these exploits also taught them valuable skills which most would not have had the luxury of learning in a formal setting, and which enabled them to “stand out from the crowd” was a huge advantage. Our cruel culture of “sink or swim” and our myopic cult of the “hero” in sports, in business, in art also played a large role, or, at least, that would be my guess. We all benefit from the product of the risks they take, but only they (and their families) will suffer when the risks bear fruit and some of them inevitably (and tragically) die.

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