Digital Camera Infographic

This infographic may be helpful to those seeking a holiday gift for a loved one or anyone seeking a camera to fit a specific purpose. It was designed to break down some popular cameras and match them to the photographic situations where they perform at their best. What kind of shots do you like taking? This guide will help you find the right camera for you:

digital camera infographic

Digital Camera Infographic

Some of the information may be too small to read on this page, here is a link to the full size infographic.

Infographic provided courtesy of, a digital camera review site based in the UK.

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2 responses to “Digital Camera Infographic”

  1. Jonathan says:

    This is ridiculous! For example, the final recommended camera, the Powershot G1 is next to a picture illustrating its perfection for flash photography. Yet if you go to Flickr, you can find that the photo by nickb_rock is taken with, wait for it, a Nikon D3s (!), fitted with a Zeiss lens and an SB900 flash with pocket triggers – in otherwords, about £4500 worth of kit. See the link here:

    And I’ll bet this doesn’t get through the editors!

  2. Raghav says:

    I would go with a Canon APS-C for long distance because of its bigger crop factor than a Nikon. The infographic seems terribly outdated, there are tens of better zoom compacts than the Lumix FZ10(which is a 2003 model) like Powershot SX30/Nikon P500/Lumix FZ100. I was also wondering if Flash photography needs a separate category. I also found missing best compact/dslr/EVIL camera which offers solid HD video recording capabilities.

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