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Photography Action Cards

Photography Action Cards

With readers looking for more photography practice near home, we were able to get another huge markdown on these popular photography action cards. Expand your skills with 65 printable project sheets that will give you over 200 assignments. They are currently 88% off today if you want to check them out. Found here: The Photography Action […]

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Lighthouse Photography Tips

Lighthouse Photography Tips

Lighthouses are a favorite subject for photographers, because they are romantic. However, some realities can make creating an excellent lighthouse photo challenging. This article will provide you with some valuable insight into improving your lighthouse pictures, and we will discuss these skill points: Composition with a limited point of view Spotting problems: crooked horizon, trash […]

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Long Exposure Photography Calculation Trick

Long Exposure Photography Calculation Trick

Long Exposures look great but can be a little tricky to get the correct exposure. Sure there are Apps and charts to help out, but, what if there was an easier way? A way that doesn’t require an App, doesn’t require a chart and most importantly doesn’t require taking your filters off to calculate the […]

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7 Tips for Taking Great Travel Pictures

7 Tips for Taking Great Travel Pictures

Taking great pictures of your vacation can be easy if you have a few basic photography skills. In this article, you will find seven travel photography tips that will help you take fantastic pictures that you’ll enjoy for years to come. 1. Add Drama to Your Pictures By adding drama to your pictures, you make […]

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Aperty Advanced Portrait Photography Editor

Aperty Advanced Portrait Photography Editor

To celebrate the season, the makers of the popular Aperty photo editor are offering it at 50% off today in case you are working on any portrait editing. Key Features of Aperty Aperty distinguishes itself with a range of features designed to enhance the editing process: Retouching Automation: Streamlines the editing workflow by reducing the […]

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Photographing Landmarks: Find Your Angle

Photographing Landmarks: Find Your Angle

How many times have you taken the perfect shot of that famous building or monument that you couldn’t wait to show to your family or friends or submit to a stock agency, only to slowly realize that it’s just one of thousands of similar perfect shots of that particular icon? My answer would be, “More times that […]

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UPDATE: Gigapixel 8.2 Image Upscaler

UPDATE: Gigapixel 8.2 Image Upscaler

In photo editing news, Topaz Labs just announced the release of Gigapixel Version 8.2. Which now has batch Cloud Rendering, faster speeds on Mac, improvements to the Redefine model, and more. Keep reading to see what’s new. What’s New in Gigapixel: Upscale by Longest Side: A new option lets you upscale images based on their […]

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5 Tips to Improve Your Travel Photography

5 Tips to Improve Your Travel Photography

The world can be an overwhelming sensory experience, filled with sight, sound and aroma designed to delight all of your senses. How do you capture that experience in a photograph? Most people don’t. Instead, they show their photos with an apology: “You had to be there.” Your job as a travel photographer is to take […]

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Perfect Balance: Exploring Symmetry in Photographic Composition

Perfect Balance: Exploring Symmetry in Photographic Composition

Photography, as an art, requires an eye for detail and an understanding of the numerous principles that guide this form of visual expression. Among these principles is the concept of symmetry, a powerful tool that can transform your images into captivating masterpieces. This blog post will delve into the world of symmetry in photography and […]

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Travel Photography: Planning & Documenting

Travel Photography: Planning & Documenting

Travel photography is quite different from other photographic endeavors, especially if you plan to make a living from it. Most successful travel photographers are writers as well. Actually in the print world, you can’t separate words from pictures. They complement each other. What the picture can’t show, the words explain in greater detail. So it’s […]

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