Articles by Suzanne Vandegrift - PictureCorrect4 articles

Flowers: The Perfect Photography Subject

Flowers: The Perfect Photography Subject

There is no end to the number of beautiful flowers out there ready to be photographed. And what’s more wonderful is that they will keep blooming all summer and well into the fall. If you’re fortunate enough to live in a warmer climate, you could be photographing flowers outdoors well into the winter months–possibly year-round. […]

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Butterfly Pictures: How to Capture Them

Butterfly Pictures: How to Capture Them

What else do you know that can compare to the magnificent colors you see when you look through your camera lens at a butterfly? Maybe a butterfly sitting on a beautiful brilliant flower. It doesn’t get any prettier than that. If you’re lucky enough to have a garden with flowers that attract these winged beauties, […]

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Zoo Photography Tips

Zoo Photography Tips

Where else can you go and spend a day photographing wild and exotic animals without leaving the city? The zoo, of course! You can take your time to get the perfect shots in a relatively safe environment. Keep in mind you are dealing with wild animals. And, if you choose to take the opportunity to […]

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The Shutter and Aperture: Let the Sun Shine In

The Shutter and Aperture: Let the Sun Shine In

In order to get a picture that has the perfect brightness, not too light or too dark, the amount of light that gets into the camera has to be controlled. One thing that controls the light in the camera is the aperture. That’s what the light has to pass through before it reaches the film. The aperture opening settings are also called F-stops. The camera’s aperture settings are actually the same principal as the function of the pupil in the human eye.

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