Articles by Geordie Parkin - PictureCorrect5 articles

How to Establish Your Photographic Style

How to Establish Your Photographic Style

OK, you’ve bought all the right camera equipment. You have three camera bodies, 10 lenses, a stack of lighting gear, all the filters and attachments you can think of. You’ve read the manual and gained some experience in taking different types of shots, but you’re still not happy with your results. You’ve even copied other […]

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Checklist for Your Camera After a Portrait Shoot

Checklist for Your Camera After a Portrait Shoot

Whenever I return from a shoot, I go through this process every time with each camera so that they are ready for the next time. 1. Camera bodies off. This is to remind me that I use a variety of lenses and if I remove them, I have to select an appropriate one for my […]

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The Top 3 Basic Portrait Photography Settings

The Top 3 Basic Portrait Photography Settings

In portrait photography, one of the main differences between a happy snapper and a professional, besides the number of years of experience and accumulated skills, is that the professional takes control of the camera settings and has a good knowledge of lighting aspects. They also understand what makes for a good composition. Professionals also tend […]

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The Benefits of Using a Tripod for Photography

The Benefits of Using a Tripod for Photography

Camera technology has advanced so much that just about anyone can take good photos. (Not necessarily great photos–that has more to do with composition, subject matter, effective use of light and shadow, etc.) However, if there’s one item that helps in taking better shots, it’s the humble tripod. Many of us believe that a tripod […]

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Camera Lenses: Narrowing Down the Choices

Camera Lenses: Narrowing Down the Choices

First of all, what is focal length? According to the textbook definition, “focal length is measured in millimeters (mm), and it represents the distance from the optical center of a lens to the digital camera sensor when the subject of the photo is in focus.” In plain language, this means that with a shorter focal […]

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