Articles by Arnab Banerji - PictureCorrect2 articles

10 Tips & Tricks for Better Portrait Photography

10 Tips & Tricks for Better Portrait Photography

We love to look at stunning portraits. The subject may be our friend, family member, a model, or a perfect stranger. A well taken portrait tells us stories, creates some mystery or brings out some memories. Good portraits also reveal the true personality of someone. So how does a photographer capture a good portrait? Below […]

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How to Photograph Nature and Wildlife

How to Photograph Nature and Wildlife

Nature has the endless mine of wonders and beauty which we all want to capture. We often get amazed by the stunning nature or wildlife photographs in the popular travel or science magazines. So what is the secret of taking stunning nature photographs? Well, as true for every form of art, photography is something which you need to master. Knowledge, practice, creativity and a good camera is what you need most of the time. Please be aware that this article is not meant for pros. This is targeted to help someone who has just got started or thinking of getting started.

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